Fall Guys speedrun leaderboards is live!
We have been hard at work the last 3 weeks, and are happy to share that the new speedrun leaderboards are live! Read on to learn how it works, and how you can participate.
If you don't want to read, and just go browse the leaderboards, you can do that here.
Making Fall Guys competitive
We know there is a need for competition in the game, and a leaderboard for the fastest times achieved in each round in Fall guys would be a step in the right direction. The leaderboards cannot be 100% trusted, as not all players play on PC, with the Fall Guys Stats tracker. So this is not the definitive leaderboard, it's the Fallalytics leaderboard 😅
How it works
Last week, together with the team that manages the Fall Guys Stats tracker, we made updates to how the tracker reports. now, when you finish a round, it will check if you get a personal best, and report it to us. If you didn't, it will check to see if it has reported an older PB and do so if you haven't already.Â
To enable PB reports, you must do so in the tracker settings:
Download the Fall Guys Stats tracker to get started.
What about console players?
We know that a lot of you play mostly on console. We're working on making a form where you can submit your times to be included in the leaderboards. It will be reserved for rounds featured in Solo, Duos, and Squads, and will have to be a top-ten score to be considered for validation. A video proof will also be required, with the username enabled in the footage. We will let you know when the work on this will begin.
Contact us on Twitter if you need any assistance in invalidating your round, or if you have any other questions.